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Why schools need art education

Why schools need art education

At IFK/CIS, we appreciate the many benefits of art education throughout school. Art helps our children become balanced, capable and well-rounded individuals.

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If I were president

If I were president

“What would you do if you were president?” At the CIS/IFK bilingual Gymnasium, middle school students learn critical thinking skills in German and English.

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Wenn ich Präsident*in wäre

Wenn ich Präsident*in wäre

“Was würdest du tun, wenn du Präsident*in wärst?” Am bilingualen Gymnasium der CIS/IFK lernen die Schüler*innen kritisches Denken und über den Tellerrand hinaus schauend.

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Music education in our primary school

Music education in our primary school

At CIS/IFK, we take music education seriously! Experience the many benefits to learning music at an early age: cognitive development, happy and engaged students, confident performers.

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