Welcome to CIS School Blog!
Stay up to date on the latest school life news and get a glimpse of some of our exciting activities, events and projects within our school community.
Why schools need art education
At IFK/CIS, we appreciate the many benefits of art education throughout school. Art helps our children become balanced, capable and well-rounded individuals.
Additional school accreditation with Cognia
By applying for further school accreditation with Cognia, CIS/IFK is on an exciting journey of self-reflection and continuous development in all aspects of our international school.
Berufsorientierung – was möchte ich werden?
Welcher Beruf passt zu mir? Was ist mir möglich? Wie komme ich an mein Ziel? Mit der Berufsorientierung am bilingualen Gymnasium der CIS/IFK sprechen wir genau diese Fragen an.
Learning Mindfulness in our Bilingual Primary School
Learning mindfulness and improving social-emotional well-being at our bilingual primary school; primary students learn to calm anxieties and improve awareness through body and mind lessons.
IGCSE and IB exams in the pandemic 2020/21
Keeping our IGCSE and IB students motivated and prepared for their qualification exams in the pandemic.
If I were president
“What would you do if you were president?” At the CIS/IFK bilingual Gymnasium, middle school students learn critical thinking skills in German and English.
Wenn ich Präsident*in wäre
“Was würdest du tun, wenn du Präsident*in wärst?” Am bilingualen Gymnasium der CIS/IFK lernen die Schüler*innen kritisches Denken und über den Tellerrand hinaus schauend.
Music education in our primary school
At CIS/IFK, we take music education seriously! Experience the many benefits to learning music at an early age: cognitive development, happy and engaged students, confident performers.
Ist das Gymnasium die richtige Schule für mein Kind?
Welche weiterführende Schule passt zu meinem Kind? Wird es an einem Gymnasium glücklich? Lernen Sie das Gymnasium bilingual + der CIS/IFK kennen: Unsere Pädagogik, unsere Werte, unsere Vision.