Starting Point for the Next Generation

What would you give for a brief look into the future? At COLOGNE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL – Internationale Friedensschule Köln – we get a little insight every day into the world of tomorrow – and that fills us with pride and confidence.

Our children are the future; to make a positive and meaningful impact, they need to have the best set of tools available. As a forward-looking bilingual primary school and IB World School in the heart of Cologne, exactly this is our objective.  We empower our young students to ask questions, to think independently and to shape their own learning paths – skills which will be increasingly valuable in their secondary schooling and beyond.

Our school is colorful and diverse – we teach children from more than 45 different nationalities. Our students encounter other cultures, religions and perspectives with an open and welcoming mind, as they are also learning about their own backgrounds. We give our children wings, together with the safe feeling of also knowing their roots. We want them to live life and to love learning!

Language Concept

Two teachers, two languages

In our bilingual primary school, each class has two homeroom teachers – one German native speaker and one English native speaker. They team-teach the class bilingually. Some lessons are taught together, some in small groups and some individually by each teacher. This results in the students receiving about 50% of their lessons in German and 50% in English. This setup enables students to acquire and develop both German and English language skills in a natural learning environment.

Our bilingual teaching team does not merely translate what they say but reformulates and illustrates the content with examples. We ‘live’ our languages using the scientifically recommended immersion method. At the end of the fifth grade, fluent in both German and English, our primary graduates enjoy a smooth transition into our Secondary School.

Academic Program for Young Inquirers

Qualified for the future

As a certified IB World School and a state-recognized supplementary school (private school), we combine the objectives, guidelines and benchmarks of both the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the NRW primary curriculum in our school. There are IB World Schools located in all major cities throughout the world. These all teach according to the same program and ethos, ensuring a smooth transition for internationally mobile families. The switch to Cologne International School from the public school system is equally smooth, due to our use of the NRW curricular guidelines.

The core components of the academic program at our bilingual primary school are language, math, social studies, science and technology, sport, music, and art. A stimulating, comprehensive curriculum to foster the balanced academic and personal development of each student. Upon completion of our primary school, your child – as a curious, mature young person, equipped with key skills, values and qualifications – is ready for the next big step: their secondary school career.

Child-Friendly Learning

Hands-on and interdisciplinary

Learning is so much more than the mere acquisition of knowledge. Learning also implies taking responsibility, becoming aware of your own actions and their consequences. It means developing key qualities, such as empathy, reflection and independence – core values of the IB Learner profile.

One of the main advantages of the PYP is its commitment to interdisciplinary learning; the course content – or Unit of Inquiry – revolves around a central concept for 6 weeks. This investigative learning approach allows pupils at our bilingual primary school to examine and consider questions from different perspectives. It targets their natural curiosity and enables them to shape their own learning paths and find their own answers. Finally, students apply newly-learned skills and knowledge to “real life” through field trips and hands-on projects.

Small Learning Groups

Optimal support

Our composite classes in grades 1/2 and grade specific classes in grades 3, 4 and 5  have an average of 20 children with two homeroom teachers. This ideal teacher-student ratio allows each teacher to fully focus on and support their students’ individual learning. We enable each child to learn at their own pace and develop their unique strengths and talents.

For the children, individualization means a learning atmosphere which they can help shape, with a balance of independent and collaborative work. Materials and tasks are adapted to the learning level of each student and learning group. A comprehensive support system, with remedial and enrichment lessons and one-on-one care tailored to the respective needs of each student, offers further individualization.

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Character Development

Academics are of course extremely important, but they are not everything. Cologne International School is so much more than an educational institution. We also emphasize the social, emotional and physical well-being of our children and support the balanced development of their characters through the IB Learner Profile.

Our young students have numerous, diverse opportunities to be creative, try new things and test their limits. They have time to discover their interests and foster their talents. This is the ideal starting point for active learning – a whole life long. And it fosters our primary students’ development into responsible, open-minded world citizens. We can rest assured that they will create a more peaceful and respectful, intercultural world for themselves and others.

See what a day at the primary school looks like

Example Timetable: Grade 3/4

Full School Day

School days can seem long for young children; a carefully planned, varied routine is essential to best foster growth and development. Children need learning and revision times scheduled when they can best concentrate, with regular breaks for rest, physical activity or creativity.

We offer early supervision for our primary students from 7:30 every morning until lessons begin. An exciting array of afternoon clubs run until 16:15 every afternoon, and afterwards we have late clubs until 17:30 on Mondays through Thursdays.

School Semester Calendar

Afternoon Clubs

14:45/15:30 – 17:30  Mo-Th  &  14:45 – 16:15  Fr

HERE is an overview of our  extracurricular program.


  • 1st and 2nd graders learn melodies and tunes through singing based on the ward method
  • 3rd, 4th and 5th graders learn to play an instrument
  • 4 hours of music lessons each week with numerous performance opportunities


  • Modern sports hall with state-of-the-art equipment
  • 2-3 hours of Tai Chi  each week in addition to the normal sports lessons
  • Swimming lessons in grades 3-5


  • Learn about art through time and across cultures 
  • Explore a variety of materials to create 2D and 3D artwork
  • Develop analytical skills through art critique