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Jobs of the Future in Times of a Pandemic
As I am writing this post, my tickets to a concert with today’s date on them, are collecting dust on the office shelf. This was the concert that my family and I were looking forward to, but thanks to COVID, like many other events, had been cancelled. While upsetting,...
Why horseback riding is the finest hobby
People say the dog is a man's best friend, but they then probably never met a horse! My hobby is horseback riding, and I love to do that. I started horseback riding when I was 4 years old, and I got my first horse when I was 7 years old. History of horseback riding...
Es ist Sonntag Mittag, also kurz nach dem Frühstück und kurz vor der Rückkehr an den Schreibtisch zur Planung und Vorbereitung für die kommende Woche. Zeit, ein ganz besonderes, nicht alltägliches Ritual zu zelebrieren: die Briefwahl zu Bürgermeister_in, Mitglied des...
Statement on the article published in the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” on September 3, 2020
In today’s edition of the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, an article about our school was published which, despite the author holding different factual information, contains misinformation.
Stellungnahme zum Artikel im Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger am 03.09.2020.
In der am 03.09.2020 erschienenen Ausgabe des Kölner Stadt-Anzeigers ist ein Artikel über unsere Schule erschienen, der trotz der Verfasserin anderweitig vorliegender Informationen sachliche Fehlinformationen enthält.
How does every primary student find the right instrument and every instrument find the right child?
In order to play an instrument in the third grade string or wind class of the CIS / IFK primary school, after 2 years of singing (Ward) class, the last three months of the second grade music lessons focus on introducing the following instruments which students choose...
Wie findet jedes Grundschulkind das richtige Instrument und jedes Instrument das richtige Kind?
Um in der 3. Klasse der CIS/IFK-Grundschule nach 2 Jahren Gesangsklasse (Wardunterricht) ein Instrument in der Streicher- oder Bläserklasse zu spielen, liegt in den letzten drei Monaten des Schuljahres für die Zweitklässler der Schwerpunkt des Musikunterrichts auf der...
The Magic of the Mask
All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts William Shakespeare, "As You Like It" Face masks have become the cultural item of 2020: more or less every person on...
Return to school in the Coronavirus pandemic
We’ve all been holding our breaths, anxiously awaiting the start of the 2020/21 school year. Will classes really be held on-site?