Welcome to CIS School Blog!
Stay up to date on the latest school life news and get a glimpse of some of our exciting activities, events and projects within our school community.
Selecting the right secondary school
Cologne International School’s International Secondary School: an excellent IB education in a caring, bilingual environment. Key skills, shared values, individual attention.
E-learning and Online Classes in our Bilingual Primary School
Distance education: E-learning, online classes and independent off-line study Innovation and technology in the CIS/IFK Bilingual Primary School Since the first lockdown due to the Corona pandemic in March 2020, there have been significant changes to teaching and...
Digitalisierung an der Cologne International School
An der CIS/IFK machen wir eine entscheidende Verbesserung unserer medialen Ausstattung mit mehr Computern, elektronische Tafeln und iPads für die weitere Digitalisierung der Schule
Our new mission statement
Fulfilling our new mission statement throughout Cologne International School – in our curricula, our policies and decisions, and everyday school activities
Happy winter holidays from Cologne International School
CIS/IFK bilingual primary students learn across cultures and religions to celebrate the winter holiday season together. Happy winter holidays!
On the Motivation to Exercise
Only by understanding students’ motivation to exercise, can we make sports lessons fun and relevant for all of our students.
Grüne Weihnachten – der Umwelt zuliebe
Wie können wir grüne Weihnachten gestalten – der Umwelt Zuliebe? Gymnasiumschüler besprechen unsere Verantwortung der Welt gegenüber
The Learner Profile at Cologne International School
The IB Learner Profile is key to fostering balanced, respectful and thoughtful world citizens
Adapting Classroom Music in the Pandemic
From instrumental to iPad-based music creation: Adapting classroom music during the pandemic All successful music curricula are divided into three key areas: 1. Music Theory and History2. Practical Performance3. Composition At the International Secondary School we...