Welcome to CIS School Blog!
Stay up to date on the latest school life news and get a glimpse of some of our exciting activities, events and projects within our school community.
Primary Years Programme – A programme for successful young learners
At Cologne International School, we ensure that our students become independent, successful learners. How to support your child in the Primary Years Programme at home – simple strategies for parents.
Teaching in School: Sharing Good Practice
In the context of an ever-changing world, teaching in school undergoes an ongoing evolution. At Cologne International School, we aim to give our students the best learning opportunities. Observing learning and sharing good practice are effective ways to improve teaching and learning.
Shalom Selfie Aktion
Mit einem Selfie einen positiven gesellschaftlichen Beitrag leisten? Ganz genau! Das war bei der Shalom Cologne Selfie Aktion möglich, an der einige Klassen unserer Schule Ende Juni teilgenommen haben.
How to recover lost learning after Covid
At CIS/IFK, we help students catch up with learning after Covid and develop skills that support resilience.
Bau-Update: Der Fortschritt der Bauarbeiten auf dem CIS/IFK neuen Schulcampus
Neue Fortschritte beim Bau des neuen CIS/IFK Campus in Köln-Butzweilerhof. Wir freuen uns, unsere Türe in August 2022 zu öffnen!
Construction update on the CIS/IFK new school campus
Exciting progress on the construction of the new CIS/IFK campus in Cologne-Butzweilerhof – we look forward to opening our doors in 08/2022!
Tai Chi Unterricht in der Grundschule
Vorteile des Tai Chi Unterrichts sind zahlreich. Mit Tai Chi Übungen verbessern unsere Schüler ihre Koordination, Mobilität, Kraft, Ausdauer und Schnelligkeit. Außerdem wird die Aufmerksamkeit gesteigert und die Kreativität angeregt.
University counselling at International Secondary School
University counselling offers support to each International Secondary student to meet their individual needs, helping them recognize their strengths and make the right choices for their future studies.
Self-Directed Learning am Gymnasium der CIS/IFK
Self-Directed Learning – selbstgesteuertes Lernen – ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unseres Lernkonzepts von klein auf am Gymnasium bilingual +.