Welcome to CIS School Blog!
Stay up to date on the latest school life news and get a glimpse of some of our exciting activities, events and projects within our school community.
How To Protect Children From Bullying
With 43% of tweens and up to 95% of teens owning smartphones, many might not be prepared for online dangers like bullying, phishing, and cybergrooming. At Cologne International School, we’re committed to educating students to protect themselves.
How To Make A School A Feel-Good Place
Many pupils experience exam anxiety, performance pressure, and social stress, which can lead to physical and psychological issues. Hence, it is essential to create an environment where students feel comfortable and can focus on learning.
What Does It Mean To Be A Global Citizen?
Delve into the compelling journey of Grade 6 students as they explore the concept of global citizenship in their Individuals and Societies class. Through a captivating real-life case study of Eliza from Maputo, students confront pressing global issues.
CIS Boarding House: Feels Like Home
In our boarding house, we promote a modern boarding school life. This means that the students actively participate in shaping community life. This strengthens community cohesion and ensures that the boarding house feels like a home.
CIS Internat: Fühlt sich an wie Zuhause
In unserem Internat fördern wir ein modernes Internatsleben. Das heißt, dass die Schüler*innen aktiv das Gemeinschaftsleben mitgestalten. Dies stärkt den Zusammenhalt und sorgt dafür, dass sich das Internat wie ein Zuhause anfühlt.
Tai-Chi an der Cologne International School
Hinter Tai-Chi steckt viel mehr als Meditation und Bewegung. Es ist ein Weg, um innere Balance zu finden und ein gesundes und glückliches Leben zu führen. Die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung steht dabei im Vordergrund.
Ghana Student Exchange Program
Today, I invite you on this journey as I recall our recent student exchange program between our school in Cologne and our friends from Ghana. Let’s relive this cross-cultural adventure!
A Canopy Of Dreams: The Orange Blossom Mural
This beautiful mural, painted by our student Makayla, holds a story that captures the spirit of our school’s values, celebrating the joy of learning and the diversity within our community.
Personal Growth Project
As part of their Personal Growth project, our students of Grade 8 raised money to help a small elementary school in Colombia provide access to water for their students.