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The Magic of the Mask

The Magic of the Mask

All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts William Shakespeare, "As You Like It" Face masks have become the cultural item of 2020: more or less every person on...

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2020 Abiturientinnen, Abiturienten und IB-Diploma-Graduates

2020 Abiturientinnen, Abiturienten und IB-Diploma-Graduates

Gymnasium bilingual + Am Freitag, den 26.06.2020, durften wir den diesjährigen Abiturjahrgang 2020 im Golfclub Widdersdorf würdig und gleichzeitig der Situation angemessen verabschieden. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass der gesamte Jahrgang seine Prüfungen geschafft hat....

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2020 Graduates

2020 Graduates

International Secondary School The ISS grade 12 students had an in-school gathering on Thursday 25th June, where we celebrated completing the highly demanding IB Diploma course. Parents and friends were in attendance as we enjoyed speeches and presentations, and...

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PYP Exhibition 2020

PYP Exhibition 2020

In the final year of the IB Primary Years Programme in grade 5, students carry out an extended, in-depth project known as the PYP exhibition.

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