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Personal Growth Project

Personal Growth Project

As part of their Personal Growth project, our students of Grade 8 raised money to help a small elementary school in Colombia provide access to water for their students.

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A Home Away From Home

A Home Away From Home

Boarders at Cologne International School combine the benefits of an excellent education with comfortable and relaxing boarding facilities, and all the opportunities to broaden their horizons that Germany and Europe have to offer. Come and join us!

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Benefits Of An Internship Abroad

Benefits Of An Internship Abroad

An Internship abroad is a great way to increase your career chances, to learn about a new culture and broaden your horizons and perspectives. Open your mind and get a step closer to being independent!

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Mock Examinations

Mock Examinations

10 key points to consider when running mock examinations and why it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on them and their purpose. How teachers and students prepare for mock exams, and how we can leverage them for learning.

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Weltbeste Bildung

Weltbeste Bildung

Wo wird die weltbeste Bildung vermittelt? Laut Studien befindet sich Deutschland irgendwo im Mittelfeld. Daher hat Ben Stolle sich dazu entschieden, das deutsche Bildungssystem dem International Baccalaureate gegenüberzustellen.

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