Welcome to CIS School Blog!

Stay up to date on the latest school life news and get a glimpse of some of our exciting activities, events and projects within our school community.

Libraries – Community Hubs For Education

Libraries – Community Hubs For Education

School libraries are safe havens for our children to grow, think, and daydream. Libraries foster imagination, preserve our heritage, and bring people together. It is our obligation to support libraries, to value and use them, and keep them alive!

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CIS/IFK: A Candidate School for the IB Middle Years Programme

CIS/IFK: A Candidate School for the IB Middle Years Programme

We have applied successfully to become a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP). The MYP certificate is the equivalent of the Mittlerer Schulabschluss. By introducing the MYP in Grades 6-10, our school would be recognised as an IB Continuum School.

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Our New Bilingual Primary School

Our New Bilingual Primary School

Consistent bilingualism, holistic learning approach and the combination of the NRW curriculum and PYP are the special features that characterise our primary school.

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Study Tips

Study Tips

Valuable study tips: Learn the material beforehand and rest the night before the big test. Know what you don’t know, study one thing at a time, make it your own and have fun…

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Ganzheitliches Lernen

Ganzheitliches Lernen

Das echte Leben ist der bessere Ansporn und die bessere Motivation zum Lernen. Daher legen wir Wert auf ganzheitliches Lernen und fördern die ganzheitliche Erziehung der Kinder und Jugendlichen.

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IB World School Evaluation Report

IB World School Evaluation Report

We are proud to announce that we have received a positive official report from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). We celebrate our accomplishments and will use the report to set goals for our improvements for the future.

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